About Us

Company Introduction 

ABS Developers is a leading real estate company that carries the vision of transforming people's living styles. With an unwavering commitment to quality and customer care, we have completed multiple grand construction projects that mirror the attributes of our core mission of introducing luxury in the living style. 

ABS Developers was founded in 2015 with a mission to create construction projects that efficiently cater to the luxury living needs of both the middle and elite classes. And time is a testament to our success. 

What sets us apart from the crowd is that we have broken the ground of furnishing luxurious dwellings in the form of apartments and buildings. Our every masterpiece is equipped with world-class and modern amenities at incredibly affordable rates.

Working in an Islamic State, we are proud to be the first Sharia-compliant real-estate company, indicating our honesty in the trade and regard for our clientele. 

Quality, Luxury, and Affordability are our middle names. 


ABS Developers’ achievements are not limited to just penning fancy words. Instead, the projects speak volumes about our expertise and dedication to the mission and perfectly mirror the client's expectations.

Here is a rundown of our completed and underway projects:

  • ABS Mall & Residency COMPLETED

  • Pearl One Tower COMPLETED

  • Pearl One Courtyard UNDERWAY

Each of our projects is a beautiful blend of modern amenities and world-class architecture that levels up the living standards for you from average to exceptional.

  • Dr Muhammad Ikram


  • Dr Subayyal Ikram


  • Dr Humbal Ikram

    Managing Director

  • Ar. Shaniyal Ikram

    Director Operations

A successful real-estate company owes its achievements to its staff, and ABS Developers is a great example endorsing this proposition. From Chairman to CEO and managing director to a team of engineers, ABS Developers is a warehouse of real estate and construction expertise always geared up to take on new ventures aimed at improving the lifestyle of residents. Below is a brief information about our top staff:

Why choose us?

Partnering with ABS Developers will make you eligible for many benefits, as stated below:

  1. Sharia Compliant
  2. 100% Riba Free dealings
  3. Full and Easy Cash Refund
  4. Assurance of quality material testing before usage
  5. Provision of cutting-edge amenities in the construction